
I completed B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore in 2015 with major in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering. Currently I am working as a research assistant in the Signal Processing & Navigation Algorithms Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore University of Management Sciences under the supervision of Dr. M. Tahir.
In my Undergraduate Senior Thesis, my work focused on design and implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks, Inertial Sensing and Sensor Fusion using Kalman Filters, Detecting and Tracking surrounding objects using EKF and Machine Learning. During my Research Assistantship, I have developed a low cost alternative to GPS for localization using Particle Filters. Currently, I am working on Multi-Vehicle motion co-ordination using V2V communication.
My research interests lie in Statistical Signal Processing, Optimal Estimation Theory (KF, EKF, UKF, PF), Control Systems, Networked Dynamic Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Autnomous Systems, Distributed Systems, Localization Techniques and Machine Learning.