
Muhammad Hamad Alizai 
Associate Professor of Computer Science @ LUMS
Research: Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Embedded AI
Contact: 9-G09A, Department of Computer Science
SBA School of Science and Engineering, LUMS.
DHA, 54792 , Lahore, Pakistan
hamad.alizai "at" lums edu pk, +92 42 3560-8479

Research Interests

I research distributed systems in a broad sense. I'm fascinated by embedded sensing and the idea of extending the internet to everything around us—the Internet of Things (IoT). Lately, I've been exploring how generative AI can make IoT more accessible in low- and middle-income regions, as well as tackling local societal challenges through computational thinking.

Main Research Projects (present)

My research is generously funded by HEC, LUMS faculty grants, DAAD, and NCBC.

See me if you can: Building privacy preserving cameras ground-up
Glitch in time: Exploiting IMUs for eavesdropping
Checkmate: Automating approximate intermittent computing though GenAI
SKIP: School kids in carpool
Guardian Angel: Unlocking the power of IoT for developing regions through GenAI

Selected Publications (complete list, also available on google scholar with citation statistics)

CheckMate: LLM-Powered Approximate Intermittent Computing
Sayid-Ali A, Rafay A, Soomro A, Alizai M.H, Bhatti N
ACM SenSys, 2025. (Acceptance Rate: 18%)

The Internet of Batteryless Things
Ahmed S, Islam B, Yildrim KS, Zimmerling M, Pawełczak P, Alizai MH, Lucia B, Mottola L, Sorber J, Hester J
Communications of the ACM (CACM), 2024

Glitch in Time: Exploiting Temporal Misalignment of IMU For Eavesdropping
Najeeb A, Rafay A, Bhatti N, Alizai M.H,
ACM AsiaCCS, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2025. (Acceptance Rate: 15%)

Battery-less Zero-maintenance Embedded Sensing at the Mithraeum of Circus Maximus
Afanasov M, Bhatti N, Campagna D, Caslini G, Centonze F.M, Dolui K,
Maioli A, Barone E, Alizai M.H, Siddiqui J.H, Mottola L.
ACM SenSys, Yokohama, Japan, 2020. (Acceptance Rate: 20%)

No-frills Water Comfort for Developing Regions 
Abbas S, Ehsan A, Ahmed S, Khan S.A, Jadoon T.M, Alizai M.H.
ACM/IEEE IPSN, Sydney, Australia, 2020. (Acceptance Rate: 22%)

Intermittent Asynchronous Peripheral Operations
Branco A, Mottola L, Alizai M.H, Siddiqui J.H.
ACM SenSys, Columbia University, NY, 2019. (Acceptance Rate: 19%) Best Paper Candidate

Scylla: Interleaving Multiple IoT Stacks on a Single Radio 
Iqbal H, Alizai M.H, Qazi I.A, Lansiedel O, Uzmi Z.A,
ACM CoNEXT, Heraklion, Greece, 2018. (Acceptance Rate: 17%)

Inverting HVAC for Enegy Efficient Thermal Comfort in Populous Emerging Countries 
Hafeez K, Chandio Y, Bakar A, Ali A, Syed A, Jadoon T.M, Alizai M.H
ACM BuildSys, Delft, The Netherlands, 2017. (Acceptance Rate: 31%) Audience Choice Award

Energy Harvesting and Wireless Transfer in Sensor Network Applications: Concepts and Experiences
Bhatti N, Alizai M.H, Syed A, Mottola L.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 2016

Sensors with Lasers: Building a WSN PowerGrid 
Bhatti N, Syed A, Alizai M.H.
ACM/IEEE IPSN, Berlin, Germany, 2014. (Acceptance Rate: 20%)

Probabilistic Addressing: Stable Addresses in Unstable Wireless Networks 
Alizai M.H, Vaegs T, Landsiedel O, Goetz S, Bitsch Link JA, Wehrle K.
ACM/IEEE IPSN, Chicago, IL, 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 17%)

Refector: Heuristic Header Error Recovery for Error-Tolerant Transmissions 
Schmidt F, Alizai M.H., Aktas I, Wehrle K.
ACM CoNEXT, Tokyo, Japan, 2011. (Acceptance Rate: 18%)

KleeNet: Discovering Insidious Interaction Bugs in Wireless Sensor Networks Before Deployment
Sasnauskas R, Landsiedel O, Alizai M.H,Weise C, Kowalewski S, Wehrle K.
ACM/IEEE IPSN, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. (Acceptance Rate: 17%)

Bursty Traffic over Bursty Links 
Alizai M.H, Landsiedel O, Bitsch Link JA, Goetz S, Wehrle K.
ACM SenSys , Berkeley, California, 2009. (Acceptance Rate: 17%)

When Timing Matters: Enabling Time Accurate and Scalable Simulation of Sensor Network Applications 
Landsiedel O, Alizai M.H, Wehrle K.
ACM/IEEE IPSN, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2008. (Acceptance Rate: 23%)

PhD Students 

Saad Ahmed: Intermittent Computing (2016-2020)  → Postdoc, Northwestern University
Samar Abbas: IoT retrofits for old buildings (2017-2021) → Assistant Professor, Punjab University

MS Thesis Students

Qurat ul Ain: Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in battery-less IoT (2020)
Bilal Khan: Infrastructure-assisted sensing (2020)
Tehreem Fatima (co-advised with Junaid Siddiqui): Edge computing (2019)
Farhan Asghar (co-advised with Junaid Siddiqui): Edge Computing (2019)
Ahmed Ehsan: IoT based Water Metering (2019)
Tayyaba Zainab: Single radio multiple personalities (2019)
Hassan Iqbal: Dynamic reconfiguration of IoT radios (2018)
Junaid Ahmed: Differential checkpointing for transiently powered computers (2018)
Natasha Khan: Path based checkpointing for intermittent computing (2017)
Jazib Jamil: Network virtualization in IoT (2017)
Furqan Arshad: Hashing based incremental checkpointing for embedded systems (2017)
Hassan Ali Khan: Incremental checkpointing for intermittent computations (2016)
Khadija Hafeez: Inverted HVAC for older buildings (2016)
Noshab Gul: Modeling Mine Planning and Design using Parallel Computing Paradigm (2015).
Musa Khattak: Recycling corrupt packets in wireless networks (2014)
Farhan Naeem: Error tolerant wireless communications (2014)

Pedagogical Contributions

I love teaching and am always working toward pedagogical innovation. I lead the LUMS Learning Institute, where we've developed faculty development programs for educators at LUMS and across the country. Check out our website to learn more about our contributions to teaching and learning.

Teaching (Recent Courses)

CS 370 - Operating Systems (Fall 2022-2024)
CS 570 - Advanced Operating Systems (Spring 2017-2020)
CS 677 - Internet of Things (Fall 2016-2025)


Technical Program Committees: ACM CoNEXT 2024, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2022, ACM MobiSys 2021, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2019, ACM BuildSys 2018, IEEE ICCCN 2017, IEEE PerCom (Demos), IEEE CSCN, IEEE ICET

Organization Committees: IEEE SECON 2020 (workshop co-chair), ACM/IEEE IPSN 2019 (poster/demo co-chair), ACM/IEEE IPSN 2018 (publicity chair)

Co-organizer: CPS Week Tutorial on Transiently Powered Embedded Computing 2018, ACM SenSys Doctoral School on Transiently Powered Computing 2017.

Potential Students

I have open thesis topics available for grad and undergrad students. I prefer students who have participated in my lectures and labs. Please contact me in person for thesis, internships and PhD studies.